"İrəliləyiş" project

"İrəliləyiş" project

"İrəliləyiş" project was launched with the cooperation of the Azerbaijan Public Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union.


The purpose of the project is to form internship programs in companies and organizations operating in the country that conform to international standards and to ensure the participation of high-potential young people in those internship programs to develop their career skills.


Within the framework of the project, 1,500 unemployed young people who have completed higher or secondary education and are under the age of 29 will have the opportunity to participate in training and internship programs.


Trainings on the topics of "Labour market requirements", "Proper CV/Resume preparation", "Interview preparation", "Public speaking and presentation skills", "Personal branding", "Writing motivation letter and official emails", "Critical thinking and creative problem solving", "Time management", "Leadership and teamwork", "Communication skills and crisis management", etc. will be organized for the participants.


Young people who will successfully complete the training will then participate in 2-month internship programs in companies.